Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Five: Next Five Months

 Jan at RevGalBlogPals writes:

The summer is whizzing by and soon it will be August! That means that there are five months left in this year 2012. What do you look forward to in the next five months; or what is scheduled? What is meaningful for you in each of these months? Or memories you have of these months? You decide what to write about for each month!

So here goes............

August - 50th Birthday and I'm looking forward to it.  Expecting my fifties to be grand!  Also, our wedding anniversary - 21 years.

September - Boys settling into school and starting new activities....... start new study at church........ football........... September has been about new beginnings for me - I guess because of the beginning of the school year.

October - fall weather and color ................. maybe some study leave/continuing ed.............. Halloween, which my boys LOVE............One of my favorite months of the year!

November - family visits.............. prep for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany.................... hoping that we get to spend Thanksgiving in Indiana with family.

December - first holiday season in new church........... old traditions and new.

Friday, July 6, 2012


 We were invited today to "share with us five things that cause you to be grateful."  That's the reason I started this blog, so that on days when it wasn't so obvious, I would be intentionally looking for things for which to be grateful, moments of God's grace in the world.  Since I've been absent for a while now, this seems a good time to resume the blogging!  So here goes:

1. My boys - the Dear Husband who puts up with me, and the two boys who call me mom.
2. My extended family and friends.
3. Vacation - coming next week!
4. The joy of work and vocation being one and the same.
5. Aches, pains, fatigue, etc. - I'm alive and I can do what I want!