Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Face of Grace

Today we went to the Fair.  Although the getting ready had somewhat marred my excitement, and I was determined that it would be a wonderful day.

The weather was gorgeous, crisp and autumnal, and we had a lot of fun.  As at all fairs, there was a giant slide.  My boys climbed up and slid down over and over again.  My youngest wanted us to watch each time.  On one occasion, while I was away from the slide with my older son, two women watched with amazement my five-year-old's unabashed joy and delight as he slid down.
Grace should be received like that.
With unabashed joy and delight.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Paying Attention

Today was the fair parade, a sure sign that fall is here.  The day was beautiful, as it is here in the autumn - warm but not hot, a hint of coolness and changing in the air, bright blue sky with brilliant sun.  The best thing was the faces of the kids, eager and excited, anticipating.  I guess that was what resonated, the anticipation.  Truth be told, I too anticipate this harbinger of autumn each year.  It feels like a signal to begin settling in, enjoying anew the things of creation and of home.  A time to pay attention, and to savor the hues and fragrances.  After the heat of the summer, it is delicious.